martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

Mauro Libi: What to do to attract visitors

     It really is a problem the fact that the blog or the page of your company does not receive visits. If this is your case, in this opportunity you will be able to bring us some recommendations that can help you to overcome this situation. Visitors are potential customers therefore, we must act quickly. What we propose are simple actions, beyond the techniques of online marketing. Let's start:

1. Post everyday: The traffic will be generated from good content. Start an aggressive campaign of publications on topics of interest related to the topic of your company. This will make Google look at your content. They don’t have to be essays, but interesting little publications. Keep in mind the key words, even if the brain doesn’t break because they don’t always appear the same way, there may be variations sometimes.

2. Optimization: After writing publications, proceed to optimize them. As already mentioned, do not focus on the keywords or specific keywords for each post, but create a general about the purpose of your company or undertaking. Specific keywords could use them if you have a keyword research done. Repeat these general keywords in your posts. The rest is Google. Also optimization involves including videos. Infographics and graphics add appeal to your page. Finally, use any element that makes the visitors stay as long as possible by browsing your blog or website. A good type of letters and the use of bold and italic will make Google see more worked texts.

3. Perfect your images: Your posts should always be well illustrated with good photos and illustrations. Identify them using keywords as well. Accompany these images with good legends that complement the information in the text.

4. Promote in social networks: Now to promote your content in social networks in order to replicate the information as many times as possible.

5. Mailing lists: Also use mailing lists to get links and promotions to your pages and content. It is not spamming but subscriptions and mailings to the users and clients who provide you with their email addresses.

6. Promote your content in specialized websites: Another alternative is to promote your publications in specialized websites, such as forums, other websites or blogs. Just do not overdo it so you won’t be considered a spamer.



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