miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

Social entrepreneur Mauro Libi: Casa Hogar Al Fin

Resultado de imagen para Casa Hogar Al Fin

Social entrepreneurs drive social innovation and transformation in various fields including education, health, environment and enterprise development. They pursue poverty alleviation goals with entrepreneurial zeal, business methods and the courage to innovate and overcome traditional practices. A social entrepreneur, similar to a business entrepreneur, builds strong and sustainable organizations, which are either set up as not-for-profits or companies.

Mauro Libi created social projects to help children with hungry. For this venezuelan entrepreneur Children are the most beautiful gift that life could bring to your life in the most unexpected moment that you can ever imagine. However, there are people who were parents once, but they weren’t grateful with that gift and they decided to give it away.

That means they abandoned their child or children because they were afraid of having a life full of responsibilities and caring with a human being the rest of their life wasn’t a good option. But have these children the fault of their parents’ bad decisions? Are they guilty for being born? The answer is, of course, no. They are doom to live a life without knowing what is next. These children don’t know why their parents don’t care about them. So, you have many children around the world who don’t have a mom or a dad, and they’re on the streets without any kind of guard or even a save and warm place to stay.

Nevertheless, there are some organizations like Casa Hogar Al Fin, in Venezuela, in which people are in charge of taking care and helping little kids and keep them save from:

  • Not having food
  • Getting some kind of disease
  • Having dangerous friends.
  • Being raped.
  • Start stealing things from other people.
  • Becoming murderers
  • Hurting each other.
  • Being raped.
  • Start stealing things from other people.
  • Becoming murderers
  • Hurting each other.

And many other things that make from their lives a dangerous situation in which every minute is a life decision between get something to eat and stay alive, and survive another day.

Casa Hogar Al fin tries to maintain an order in the organization, and tries to save as many children as it is possible. Let’s hope that organization continue with outstanding job forever.

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

Mauro Libi Crestani: What is the vision of your business? Mine is to continue investing in Venezuela

By Mauro Libi Crestani. A young man about asked me.  What the vision of your business?
I replied: "Growing leaders in the grain market to continue investing in Venezuela. In our plant, our facilities, not only in our premium brand of cereal Avelina but in companies related to our sector, we expect to continue our growth, diversify the portfolio and add products to serve our consumers. That is the vision of our business. " 

A young man about 24 years old was considering doing business in Venezuela but was afraid to take the risk. Everything changes daily. 
It's too risky, he said. 

That's when I told him that one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, Mark Zuckerberg has the following motto: "In a world that is changing really fast, the only strategy where failure is guaranteed is in not taking risks".

When you have a clear vision of the business, take into account that the risks are part of the process, without risk there is no change, the great achievements require taking risks, often very dangerous ones. Our companies have a very clear vision and mission. That is why we are committed to the country and to our growth in the market. We are confident that with our plan of operations, we will gain an increasing market share of the cereal sector.

In Frimaca, creativity is fundamental. We have teams of professionals trained and motivated to succeed. We know the Venezuelan market very well and internationally we have taken our products to countries such as Dominican Republic, Panama and Colombia. Every movement, every action that involves risk involves intelligent and sagacious thought and planning so you can rest assured that we are prepared to compete and come out on top. We will continue preparing to conquer the challenges and adversity of globalization while taking our stand as the absolute best.

Follow us Twitter @maurolibi12

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2016

Mauro Libi Crestani: Motivating is hard work that pays off

Mauro Libi Crestani. To work in an organization involves leading a particular task that is crucial but difficult to carry out: motivation. It is a kind of the  fuel that must be supplied continuously.

Now, it is important to understand that motivation is not unidirectional, but it comes and goes.

It is important to know the partner and work all the time in the creation of conditions to undertake actions aimed at achieving its goals and objectives of the company or enterprise.

It is not a simple task is to motivate. Requires ingenuity. (Mauro Libi)

Who have on their shoulders the administration of human talent in organizations tend to motivate from outside, which is an input error. Motivating involves moving and, of course, that tired.

The first thing to clarify is that we do not motivate anyone, but set the conditions that are conducive in other people's interest to support our propositions, the organizational objectives are created, and move in a direction that is attractive and also receives a benefit.

That is, no one is going to move to do something that is not providing revenues.
We are talking about something that is more than an economic benefit that now is no longer the factor that moves the worker, especially if we take into account the impact that inflation is having on the world.

Now the employee moves from one company to another in search of something more than a good salary. He goes in search of a good political loyalty of a package in which it is respected, will stimulate, you consider, you will provide working conditions that involve physical and psychosocial health, among other things. (Mauro Libi Crestani)

The task is arduous and involves challenge that stimulate the rest to achieving organizational objectives. It is essential that the rest of the team endorse corporate purposes. We must make the worker understands that if the organization is well, as he will be, too, must be done co-participate in the work of greening the company and therefore employment.

 Studies show that organizations should, when setting its objectives and goals, take into account the habits and customs of the clientele to offer products and services that meet their needs will also meet our partners in the company, is our workers. (Mauro Libi)

Follow us Twitter @maurolibi12