miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Mauro Libie: How classified companies are?


Throughout our conversations we have referred to companies over and over again. We have mentioned these organizations dedicated to activities for economic or commercial purposes, an economic-social unit composed of human, technical and material elements. Now, in this chapter, we want to talk about its classification in different aspects.

     Classification of companies according to their activity:

·         Industrial companies: are those dedicated to the production of goods by processing raw materials.

·         Extractives companies: are those dedicated to the extraction of natural resources, whether renewable or non-renewable.

·         Manufacturing companies: are those that transform the raw materials into finished products and at the same time, can be companies that produce products for the final consumer or companies that produce production goods.

·         Agricultural companies: are dedicated to farming.

·         Commercial companies: are the intermediaries between the producer and the consumer. Its main function is the sale of finished products. In addition, commercial enterprises can be classified into:
-Wholesalers: those who sell to other companies in large volumes.

-Frequency: those that sell products in large quantities or in units for resale or for the final consumer.

-Retailers: they sell products in small quantities to the final consumer.

-Commissioners: are those who sell where a profit or a commission is received.

·         Service companies: they are dedicated to providing services to the community. These are classified in different public services such as: communications, energy, water and so on; and different private services such as: administrative, accounting, legal services, and many more.

·         Transport companies (people or merchandise): are those of tourism, the financial institutions, education, health, finances and insurance.
According to the activity, the companies can be classified as:

1.      Companies of the primary sector: transformations of natural resources in unprocessed primary products that are used as raw materials.

2.       Companies in the secondary sector: Those are the ones that transform the raw material into consumer products.

3.      Companies of the tertiary sector or services sector: Those are those that have to do with the economic activities related to the material services that do not produce goods.

     Classification of companies according to the origin of capital: In this classification we find:
·         Public enterprises: are those where capital belongs to the state and seek to satisfy social needs.

·         Private companies: are those where capital is owned by private investors and are for profit. They can be national, foreign or transnational.
     In the next chapter, we will continue talking about the classification of the companies.














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