viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

Mauro Libi Crestani: An amazing story of Share Value

Share Value can be seen in many areas and in many places. When you give you definitely receive as this story will show. 

A long time ago I meet an amazing person. He was a pastor. His church had so many functions for helping about everyone. They had a soup kitchen. They were affiliated with a homeless shelter.  They had a drug rehab center. They offered free family counseling. Low cost to free day care programs. They had a program where they got successful business people to volunteer and give advice to business in the low income surrounding neighborhoods. The church raised money to help people with their rent and for utilities and food. I could go on and on.  

I once asked him, how he was able to pay his own churches cost if he was getting people to donate to all these other charities? Seriously, I thought that people will only give so much charity and if the pastor collected for s homeless shelter, then that money otherwise would have gone to the church. 

What he told me was very surprising. When he first started as a pastor in that church it didn't have any of these community programs. He tried to get his parishes to donate money and he got very little money. People always had an excuse not to give away their money to the church. He also only saw the church's cost and needs. One day, he saw some homeless people and he saw the real poverty and his heart went out to them. He decided to open a soup kitchen in the church and a homeless shelter. He went to his parishes to ask to donate for this cause. At first people were reluctant to give. So he brought the homeless into the church. The pastor started to change hearts and people started to give. Slowly the pastor's heart changed and he started to see the communities needs and he forgot all about his churches needs. The surrounding community became his community and he became every one's pastor. Everyone went to him for help and to help. The community was learning how to give and care for others. 

Now the amazing part, the pastor forgot all about asking for money to cover the church's needs. He didn't have to ask. The community when they learned how to care and to give charity, they just gave to the church without being asked.

You see, when the pastor started to collect for others, his own Church's needs were taken care of. 
By Mauro Libi
Follow us Twitter @maurolibi15

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