sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015

Mauro Libi Crestani: “When disturbed by negative thinking, think the opposite

This was written in India around the year 400CE. This sutra is a very basic, very practical way of dealing with negative thoughts.  There is an analogy  given of a ship surrounded by water. The water is all negative. While you are on the ship, the ocean  is scary. It can sink your ship and kill everyone on board.  The waves can be deadly. many of the crew get sea sick. You just want arrive at your destination. The ocean water is all negative. But without this water, how would you get to your destination. Your goal is reached by thinking of the ocean as a positive, as the vehicle to achieving your goals and arriving at you intended conclusion. 

In the everyday battle to control our minds and stay on the path of yoga, there are days when it is easy to feel the bliss that is our true nature and there are days when that sense of joy is completely buried and on the verge of suffocation.  We have to deal with the darkness by focusing more intently on the light, in the most practical and effective ways.  Change your thinking and you change everything.

When work or your personal life doesn't go the way you want, look for the good, see it as a way to get you to your desired goals and destinations. At the beginning of the Sutra of Golden Light, Buddha Shakyamuni, the Tathagata, the Arhat, the Fully Enlightened, calls to anyone experiencing misery and affliction, bad health, poverty, loss, abuse, ill will, fear, nightmares, or other harms. He says to make the mind virtuous and to come and listen. There are people who do not believe in positive thinking. they think that you are just deluding yourself and that you need to accept defeat when it presents itself. The King of the Sutra teaches you how to rid your mind of this delusional thinking. This belief is that the negativity is a delusion and that you have to clear your mind of this negativity if you truly want happiness, health and monetary and personal success. if you clear all the negativity from your mind, you will see the path is positive and just take it to your desired goals. 

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