miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

Mauro Libi: 'The power of positive thinking'

Norman Vincent Peale wrote a book called 'The power of positive thinking'. This was in 1952. His book was to stay on the New York Times best seller list for 186 weeks.  Vincent as a child developed an inferiority complex that affected his life personally and professionally. With time and positive thinking he overcame that handicap. He believed that if you develop a strong sense of self and believe in yourself then you are more apt to act on task. That if you do not believe that you can accomplish a task then you will easily give up and not even try. Can you just imagine a salesman that doesn't believe that he can sell the product to his customer? ...... Now, imagine the salesman that believes in his ability to sell..... Which of them is more likely to make the sale?... Which of them will study the product well because he believes he will make good money off of it?.... Which of them is more likely to get up early on the day of the sale, be excited about the meeting, dress well for the meeting... And present himself and his company well.

A criticism of the philosophy of positive thinking is that it is a form of self-hypnosis. If you tell yourself enough times that you can accomplish something, it will become part of your personality. Known as autosuggestion. Is this a bad thing? Peale said, " Believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your powers you can not be successful or happy". With positive thinking he felt you were less likely to give up on projects and would see them through to completion. That obstacles that got in your way, would not seem so difficult to overcome.  That we would prefer criticism when we needed it as our self worth would use that criticism to help us be stronger and more successful.  Problems that came out way, if we looked for the solution would actually have the seeds for us to succeed. Because of our attitude we would go into life with zest and enthusiasm.



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