martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Mauro Libi: Business have to work with the community to build the community

We are having an extremely good year, What do you do when you are ahead? You don't make mistakes. you don't gamble unnecessarily. You protect your lead. You make sure nobody gets hurt. You got to use these  guys in the next game. We won this game. What if we had a good guy tuna company that was on the porpoise team? A lot of guys will buy that so their kids will not get mad at them. We don't care how much it cost to protect the porpoise, just how much it makes. If it cost too much, then we charge a penny more. We could advertise, would you pay a penny more to save a fish? Let the other companies build their plants in the wrong places. Let's be the company that makes the rules, plays fair, that's popular. Forget those nuclear power plants till we know they're safe. That refinery in Pagglesham, we will have to relocate it. It will cost us millions, but we don't care, because we will come out ahead in the end. That plastic stuff that we make, we will have to stop. . We are not here just for one game, we are going all the way....And we'll already have won. 

The above is part of the script from the Movie, Heaven can Wait. the movie came out in 1978.  That was years before the concept of Shared value initiative came out. The 1970's was supposed to me the era of the 'me' generation, yet we see the early concept of joint responsibility to every ones gain. This is the concept of Shared Value initiative. Where big business works with the community to protect the oceans, the environment. The concept is for business to work with the community to build the community for the long run and that in turn will cost the company for the now, but in the end the company will also gain.

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