The Dwarfs were right! Whistling while you work makes you do your job better.
The seven dwarfs knew from positive attitude and they knew how to get things done and enjoy it. They also knew the secret to staying calm.
Far from being down to 'just nerves', choking up occurs when the brain finds itself with too many pieces of information to process, resulting in 'paralysis by analysis', argues Dr Sian Beilock of the University of Chicago.
The same holds true when presenting a vital sales pitch, making an important golf putt or doing an acting audition.
So you do not want to choke up and lose that sale, that golf game or that acting job, then maybe you need to whistle while you work.
Not just whistling. When you’re humming, singing, or laughing, it’s also difficult to be stressed. It puts you in a happy state, and keeps stress at bay. “Joy can have its way with you” says Lauren Miller
We usually talk of work-life balance. But she talks of work-play balance. Every 90 minutes, she says, you need some play. It might be short, as little as sixty seconds, but you need to relax your biology. So yes, whistle, sing, laugh, or just de-stress with meditation or one of the many “Grab and Go” stress relief tips she offers in her recent book, Five Minutes To Stress Relief. Beyond those short breaks, also make sure your life has sufficient play to keep the stress at bay. “When there’s a balance between work and play, you get more done,” she says. “Give yourself permission to make this choice for balance.”
By Mauro Libi Crestani.
By Mauro Libi Crestani.
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